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♥ ; That girl

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Fangirling is part of my life . 101% friendly . Never perfect (: Read to know me more (: Confidence and her smile make her prettiest (: Life is short , cherish what you have . My attitude is based on how you treat me . I can definitely be like an angel or even a bitch (: Be true and real to me , and we'll definitely get along well together (: Treat me like a game , and i'll teach you how to play (: Twitter : kittysmilex_ Instagram : bittersweeetx_ Weibo : Serenthiaaaaa Add me on qq too :D

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I love this kind of messages alot xD

Having you is the best thing in my life . Xo , love you bestie :*

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

When will someone starts to appreciate me and what've done ? When will i be a priority to someone ?

blessgirl98 :*

I don't know how lucky i am this time round , because peepo who wished me this time round was mostly my fangirls more than my friends . I really want to thank them super super extreme much because some of them we are not even very close , meet each other in real life but they really put in the effort to type long wishes to wish me this year . I really thank them so much , no words can describe how lucky i am to meet them . Im really someone who can cry easily because i get touched easily . Those wishes really make me cry like nobody's business .

In times alot of things is because we are used to it , hence we rely tooo much on it and end up when things change we cannot adapt and get used to it . I just realise the importance of being my ownself and i mean , at least there's peepo who can accept it when i thought there isn't . Maybe soon they will get so sick and tired , or maybe didn't talk as much as before . But they will be there , no matter what . This is what i always believe in , and at least im blessed with text buddies in my life 🙆

I thank every birthday wishes i have . And most importantly , is my text buddy ( Up till now ) . Who knows in future he might not regard me as his text buddy anymore and or even pangseh me when he got gf . But im really very thankful to have him in my life . Super thankful . When no one accepted who i am , he is there . When i have no one to rant , when i look down on myself , he is there . Whatever had happen , he was there . At least up till now . I have to admit this is the fastest duration that i really trust someone . I mean i only know him for like less than 1 month . You know who you are , you might not know the importance of you in my life , but i really treasure you this text buddy alot . I bet you don't treasure me as much as i do , because ehem , you know that luhh hor , but i still want to say thankyou :*

I find myself so mushy omg . But i really thank god for giving me such awesome friends :* Saranghae ♥

Sunday, April 27, 2014


I miss those days that we random meet outside and you will just walk towards me and you will walk with me till we need to split to our own destination . I miss those days when you will just smile randomly at me . I miss those moments we randomly met and we went out together .

The past is so much better , our memories together is so much better than now because it seems like we won't be having back what we used to be anymore .

當距離變成快要消失不見的回憶時 ,能做的或許只有放手 。我們都懂 ,有些東西不能勉強 ,不屬於自己的怎樣努力都不會有 。一切是否這麽假 。

真愛不容易 ,遇見你還以為一切有些轉變但沒想到一切不再完美 。你永遠都不知道要放棄一個人的勇氣有多大 。我不知道這種甜蜜又痛苦的感覺會維持多久 。我很想放手 ,可是我不知道為什麽每一晚的我 ,腦海裡總出現著他 。

I have to say im very thankful for every stare . Because i have to admit that it really brightens up my day . He will never understand , how happy i can get when i can talk to him . Its going to mark seventh month liking him , i must be stupid to count this but yeah , im this foolish . Birthday in 5 days time , im so hoping that there is surprises this year . Its really sweet when your friends called you on your birthday itself just to ask you to go under your blk . For what ? Because he / she wanted to pass you your pressie with a cake . I was hoping for this so much but never it will happen to me . Just prolly a wish from my crush it can brighten my day already but its so impossible :(

其實當自己看到有站在同一艘船的人的時候 ,其實挺傷心的 。總覺得自己不夠好 ,或許對方真的有那麽好 。明明知道不可能 ,可是還是說不想給自己遺憾 。我能夠告訴他們去告白 ,但是自己就是沒有這個勇氣 。我不主動 ,從來都沒有 。小時候覺得喜歡一個人能夠盡管壓抑 ,喜歡就盡量忘 ,但是現在放棄一個人怎麽這麼難 。

He will never know how much he mean to me . I don't wish to be hinting around any longer . This is really too tiring for me .

Happy 16th Serenthia .

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Its easier to be mean than letting you know how i feel .

If time were to rewind i promise i won't let myself losing myself .
I promise not to cry .
I promise i'll not hide .
I promise , one day i'll be brave enough to have eye contact with you .

Even if everything is just a dream .

I wish i can be like a balloon , flying free and easy
And i thought loving you can be as easy as that .
But i realise im torturing myself.
Because missing you is a torture .

Is that then end of the both of us ?
一個人如果一直沒有勇氣改變的話 ,我們只會站在原地